Save Thancred!

About this website

In June of 2024, Final Fantasy XIV’s latest expansion, Dawntrail, was released into early access. One of the main features advertised for this expansion was the graphical update, which would give a much-needed fresh coat of paint to not only the environments and textures within the game, but the character models as well.Our favourite character in Final Fantasy XIV is Thancred Waters, the rogue-turned-gunbreaker and member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. While he is not the game’s most popular character, he is generally well-liked, and has a dedicated fanbase who care deeply about his portrayal. Unfortunately, the graphical update has fundamentally changed how this character looks, leaving many of us disappointed and looking for change.This website was created following the collection of feedback from players and Thancred fans worldwide, and we have received submissions from several countries and in many languages. We’ve already seen a huge amount of support from Thancred fans on the official forums, with some messages getting well over 100 likes - a rare feat for a forum post. It was disheartening to see that in 7.1, the feedback we had given was not taken into account; instead, the previous course was continued, and we lost both his A Realm Reborn and Heavensward faces as well.

A nutkin from FFXIV.

So what's the issue?

At the Las Vegas Fan Festival in 2023, one of the stated goals of the graphics update was to “preserve the overall look that you know and love”. While this would rightly be aimed at player characters, we would argue that preserving the look of NPCs is also crucially important. These are characters that we have grown alongside and fought alongside. They are part of our story, and for many of us, have a special place in our memories as Warriors of Light.

A slide from FFXIV FanFest describing the aims of the graphical update. The last point reads "While preserving the overall look that you know and love!"

In Thancred’s case, his story has not been an easy one. We have seen him overcome his guilt, and deal with deeply-rooted struggles of grief and unworthiness. His writing really resonated with us, and the care that had gone into his face sculpt alone conveyed a lot of his story.Several NPCs in the game have custom face sculpts, differentiating them from player characters. Thancred is an interesting case. While Thancred’s original sculpt was based on a player character face - that being male Midlander face 1 - it was in fact a custom sculpt, impossible to recreate using the in-game character creator. There were several changes made to the model in order to give him a unique look and feel that captured his personality.In Dawntrail, all of his unique features, that were crafted with care and intention, have been removed. He is now, for all intents and purposes, a default, face 1 Midlander.We feel that, with intended aim of the graphical update, his original look should be preserved as faithfully as possible, allowing fans to experience the story with the character they remember.

The changes

All images below show the before (6.58) on the left and the after (7.0+) on the right.

An image explaining how to read the images below. On the left, it reads "Before (6.55)." On the right, it reads "After (7.0+)".

Let’s look at some examples of how the model has changed. There are three areas in which the changes are most evident - the nose, the lips, and the chin.


A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.

Here’s a comparison of the original nose, and how it now looks in Dawntrail. Firstly, the nose looks noticeably narrower. In addition, the nose bridge has been remarkably smoothed down - before, Thancred’s nose bridge was rather more bumpy and uneven. The unique textures his skin had prior to Dawntrail really contributed to this, and they are now entirely missing, leaving his face feeling smoother.Both of the images above were taken in Dawntrail - the first in 7.0, and the second in 7.1, when the changes were made to his Heavensward appearance. The lighting is the same.

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0. The shape difference in the nose is highlighted.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.

This image shows the textures on the nose quite well. In the original, on the left, you can see how the light catches the bumps and ridges in the nose, whereas these are missing in the new version.


The lips showcase some of the largest changes to Thancred's appearance. The lower lip had a fuller, wider and “poutier” feeling to it which is now missing, and the upper lip was fuller in the original, without a Cupid’s bow. As is the case with many player characters as well, his smile is now quite different. Here are some comparisons.

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A GIF showing the difference in the mouth model in 6.55 and 7.0.

Note how much thinner the lips look in the 'after' image, and the much more defined Cupid's bow.

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.

This is an entirely different smile. The lips now curl upward, and it looks much less natural than before.

Eyes and chin

As for the chin, this has again been smoothed down and made rounder. He had a squarer jaw beforehand, with a much more defined shadow under the lips. Compare these two images - one taken in 7.0, and the other in 7.1 with the model changes to A Realm Reborn Thancred. They both have the same lighting parameters - both are taken in Dawntrail - and yet the model changes are clear to see. The changes to the jawline and chin are particularly evident here - you can see how the chin protrudes on the older version!There are slight differences in the eyes as well - notably his eyebrows, which are now lighter and missing the dark ‘ridge’ they had before. This alters his expression at a distance and makes his eyebrows much less noticeable.

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A GIF showing the difference in the chin and jaw in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.

The chin clearly protrudes outward on the previous model. On the new model, the chin is almost completely smoothed down.

Lighting issues

We would also like to discuss the new lighting in Dawntrail, and how this affects the model. While we can confirm that the sculpt is the main issue, there are many scenes where the lighting looks strange and makes the model look rather different. One element that may or may not be caused by lighting is a rather ‘washed out’ feel, making Thancred’s skin look lighter and more pallid in places. If you have any more information on this point, please feel free to let us know!Here are some examples:

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A screenshot showing lighting effects in 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.

Further comparisons

Here are some further comparisons of the two models, for reference. Note the points above, particularly the nose, lips, eyebrows and face shape.

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A GIF showing the difference in the mouth model in 6.55 and 7.0.

You might argue that each change, in itself, is rather minor - and we won’t disagree. But it is this combination of small changes, however minor they are, that creates the ‘uncanny’ feeling so many of us are noticing.Imagine a person in front of you. Then, imagine that each feature of that person changes, bit by bit - first their lips, then their nose, then their chin, and so on - and each is a little different to before. The person you will end up with will resemble the original, absolutely - but they won’t be the same. They’ll look off, strange, and uncanny.That’s what we’re seeing with Thancred, and why we think it’s so crucial to return those unique features that make him, well, him.

The community, and a plea for change

Some players in the Japanese community have been gathering media featuring the old Thancred in an effort to preserve their memories of him. You can see these at the link below.

There’s a real sense of loss among many of us; the only way we can relive our adventures with the original Thancred is through old screenshots and videos, rather than playing through New Game+ as we could before.We know and appreciate how hard the development team works, and the graphical update truly does look wonderful in many ways. A lot of the new environments look stunning, and the updated textures on clothing are fantastic. This includes the textures on Thancred’s armour itself, which really bring out the scuffed and well-used feel of the metal. This is a plea to give us back the character we love, and to show him the love and care which he was duly given in his previous iterations. If the pre-Dawntrail model cannot be rigged to use the new Dawntrail skeletons, then we would appreciate edits to his current model to bring him back in line with the original.It has been encouraging to see changes made to other NPC models - for example, re-adding the glow to the Ancients’ eyes in 7.1 was a much-appreciated change. We would love to see this same attention to detail applied to Thancred!

Fan comments

We’d like to close with a few remarks from other Thancred fans who have weighed in on this issue.

"I dislike the change mainly because it feels as if everything unique about him has been sanded down. He feels like a guy I could make in the character creator. It counteracts everything he’s been through and how world-weary he is."

"Part of the appeal of the main cast is how unique they are and how much they stand out against other NPCs. To strip any of them of that uniqueness to make them look like anyone else defeats part of the purpose. His eyes told us so much about him. A man who's struggled to cope with immeasurable grief, who works himself a bit too hard, a bit grizzled and a bit tired, yet focused and unwaveringly determined all the same. He appealed to me because he was so humanly flawed."

"Every year, I used to host a big Halloween-themed event during All Saints’ Wake, where we gathered lots of people, had them transform into Thancred, and created letter formations together. But this year, I was too upset to organize it..."

"Thancred is a 'comfort character' for me and has helped me through some difficult times in my life. It is hard to watch old cutscenes which feature him now, as it doesn't feel like the same person! I would love this to be addressed as he deserves the care and attention given to him previously."

"It's really sad to see how the features that made him unique are just gone. He doesn't look like himself anymore; instead he appears washed out. Even though the other Scions' faces have changed a bit, his update has strayed too much from his original face."

"Shadowbringers’ Thancred sculpt looked like a nice blend between ARR and Heavensward/Stormblood. He looked... complete, much like his character arc at that point. His character development has been largely told through his unique sculpts and textures. This was a decision that was made intentionally. Why go back on that, after a decade? I genuinely think it weakens him as a character because it robs him of his uniqueness. Character design is very important in visual media, and more so in visual media where our interactions with and insights into characters are so limited."

"Thancred is an NPC whose pre-7.0 features I miss a lot, especially in my replay of ARR. He no longer has that distinctive shading around his eyes and with the change to his Heavensward appearance he no longer looks as rugged and worn as he did. The lips and nose just feel so off - I miss it."

"I think the element I find most upsetting is that nobody wanted or asked for Thancred to be changed. This isn't something we were able to provide input on before the game released, and now it feels like we are stuck with it. It would be so appreciated if he could be looked at again and for our feedback to be addressed."

If you would like to add your support, and read more posts from fans, please take a look at the thread on the official forums. Feel free to share your own screenshots and examples.

Thancred never stops fighting, no matter the situation. And it is in this spirit that this website was created.Thank you for reading.

Special thanks

A big thank you to Micaela, Luthea, Saffy, Em and TiffanyLockheart & Thencred for helping to provide screenshots and references, and Micaela, Luthea, Tampopo and Yas for their help with the Japanese translation.Thanks also go to elspie, Emily and shiren for helping to proofread and make suggestions for the site.Finally, a big thank you to everyone in the Thancred community who submitted quotes and is continuing to talk about the issue via official channels. Your support is hugely appreciated!

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2024 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

Save Thancred!



A nutkin from FFXIV.



A slide from FFXIV FanFest describing the aims of the graphical update. The last point reads "While preserving the overall look that you know and love!"




A slide from FFXIV FanFest describing the aims of the graphical update. The last point reads "While preserving the overall look that you know and love!"


A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.


A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0. The difference in the nose is highlighted.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.



A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A GIF showing the difference in the lips between the 6.55 and 7.0 models.


A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.



顎については、特徴がなくなり骨格が変わってしまいました。6.58まではもっと四角い顎で、唇の下にかなりはっきりとした影がありました。これら2つの画像を比較してみてください。一つは7.0で撮影され、もう一つは7.1で、新生エオルゼアのサンクレッドのモデル変更後のものです。両方とも同じライティングパラメータで撮影されており、どちらも黄金のレガシーで撮影されていますが、それでもモデルの変更がはっきりと見て取れます。特に顎のラインとあごの変化が顕著で、前のバージョンでは顎がどれだけ突き出しているかがわかります。目や眉毛にも違いがあります。特に眉毛が変わっていて、以前は眉毛を囲む濃い「 ridge(隆起)」がありましたが、現在はなくなってしまい、眉毛の形や色が強調されなくなり薄くなっています。これにより、遠くから見たときの表情や人相が変わり、眉毛や目が目立たなくなっています。その眉毛や目元の変化により、以前のような強い意志が感じられる目力が薄まってしまいました。

A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A GIF showing the difference in the chin and jaw of the 6.55 and 7.0 models.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.




A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A screenshot showing lighting in 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.



A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A comparison image showing Thancred in 6.55 and 7.0.
A GIF showing the difference in the mouth model in 6.55 and 7.0.












「漆黒のサンクレッドの造形は、新生と蒼天のいいとこ取りのように見えました。彼は… 完成されていました。彼の人格や今までの人生経験からつくられた印象にぴったりだったからです。彼のキャラクターは、独特な造形とテクスチャによって語られてきました。これは意図的にされたものでした。それをなぜ10年後に変える必要があるのでしょうか?私は本当に彼のキャラクター性が弱くなってしまったと思います。なぜなら彼の個性を奪ってしまったからです。キャラクターデザインは視覚メディアにおいて非常に重要です。視覚メディアではキャラクターとの直接的な交流や、深い内面を詳しく描く機会が限られていることが多いからこそ、外見(キャラクターデザイン)がキャラクターの個性やストーリーを伝える上で特に重要になります。」





Special thanks


FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2024 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.